AnkiHub Add-on Configuration

You can view the add-on configuration options by going to Tools -> Add-ons -> ankihub -> Config. Below is a list of the current options and their descriptions.

<aside> ❗ The average use won’t need to worry about these.



Keyboard shortcut used to send a suggestion from the editor dialogue.

Default: Alt+u


Whether or not to report errors to the AnkiHub team.

Default: true


Keyboard shortcut used for syncing with AnkiHub.

Default: Ctrl+Shift+h


Option for controlling when or if the add-on automatically syncs with AnkiHub.

Options: • on_ankiweb_syncon_startupnever (Requires to be logged into AnkiWeb.)

Default: on_ankiweb_sync


Option for deciding whether or not to suspend new cards of existing notes when syncing with AnkiHub.

Options: • if_siblings_are_suspendedneveralways

Default: if_siblings_are_suspended


Option for controlling whether to log debug level logs.

Default false

Bulk Suggestions

Protecting Fields and Tags

Special Tags for protecting fields

You can protect fields of individual notes using special tags. For example AnkiHub_Protect::Front protects the Front field of the note that has this tag. (Use underscore if there are spaces in the field name). AnkiHub_Protect::All protects all fields of the note. These tags are only used in the add-on, not on the Website. These are case sensitive.

Resetting local changes to notes

There is an action for resetting local changes to notes in the Anki Browser. You can now make note contents be the same as on the AnkiHub website by selecting them in the browser, right clicking and selecting the AnkiHub: Reset local changes option. You can also reset all local changes to a deck (Anki Browser -> AnkiHub -> Reset all local changes to a deck). This is useful if, for example, you edited some notes and want to undo the changes or lost some updates by doing a full sync from AnkiWeb.

Choose deck for new notes